Recipe: Carrot really
In our family we eat a lot of vegetables. When the twins were first brought home from the hospital we loved using our steamer and Vitamix to make nutritious baby food. It seemed like a lot of work at the time but eventually we got into the groove and froze a lot of ice cube size portions of broccoli and carrots.
On Sundays we make a grocery list for the week, pack the kids up and head off to the Superstore bright and early. I love the 'AnyList' app (parenting hack alert!). It allows you to make multiple lists with the ability to cross items off as you're going down the aisles (while the twins happily pull things off the shelves and reach back and throw things out of the cart). When we get home we start our food prep for the week and this normally involves a scrumptious bowl of hummus. In addition to the regular ingredients, we will often place extra veggies into the recipe for an added hit of goodness. Most of the time it comes from the salad section where you find bags of pre-shredded vegetables such as beets, cabbage, or hearty salad mixes.
Because this week is dedicated to carrots, I tried adding them to our hummus recipe to see what would happen and it turned out to be a pretty tasty snack. The carrots add a subtle sweetness that contrasts nicely with the lemon juice. Recipe below.
Carrot Hummus
Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 0 minutes Total Time: 10 minutes
1 can of chickpeas 540ml (drained & rinsed)
2 green onions
2 tbsp of tahini
1 lemon
salt and pepper to taste
3 medium carrots
1 ice cube
1/4 cup of olive oil
dash of cayenne pepper
1) In a food processor, place the chickpeas, green onions, tahini, juice of the lemon, salt, pepper, and ice cube (as well as the cayenne if desired). Also add 1 of the carrots chopped into 1-inch size pieces
2) Process until all ingredients are a uniform size
3) Continue to run the food processor while slowly pouring in the olive oil. Keep going until you see a rich and creamy texture. The ice cube should help for smoothness
4) Place into a serving bowl and use the additional 2 carrots as dipping deliciousness

Photo by Robert Gontier. iPhone 6.